Why You May Want to Avoid a Litigated Divorce in Monroe NC as Much as Possible

Why You May Want to Avoid a Litigated Divorce in Monroe NC as Much as Possible

Family Law and Divorce

A lot of couples who are going through divorce use litigation as their method. But, litigation is not always the most efficient method and can be quite challenging. Because the family court system in North Carolina is congested, the normal issues with litigated divorce have been made even tougher. This is the reason divorcing couples can always gain more benefits from an uncontested divorce than they can with a contested or litigated divorce. But, no matter what type of divorce you prefer, you should work with a divorce attorney monroe nc for a smoother experience. Here are the disadvantages of a litigated divorce:

It Can Be Lengthy and Expensive

Every year that your divorce case is pending, a status conference is held several times. Both lawyers attend this conference to provide the judge with an update on the case. The judge may schedule more hearings to move your case forward when both lawyers file orders to demonstrate cause or other motions. Every court appearance means an expense to be paid. And apart from court appearances, you will also deal with charges for trial preparation, mediation, settlement conferences, letters, research, brief writing, and more. Such expenses can add up quickly and as your case drags on, you will have to incur more expenses.

It Makes Each Party Focus on Winning Instead of Resolving their Issues

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A litigated divorce in Monroe NC can result in your party or your husband’s party focusing on winning instead of resolving legitimate issues. As a result, you or your spouse may lose sight of what’s truly important, making the litigation process a competition.

When you wish to dissolve your marriage, you must negotiate significant issues including child custody and support, property division, finances, and others. In a litigated divorce, you and your spouse may become angry with each other and take this anger out in a long, expensive manner. In this type of divorce, both parties may feel injured and dissatisfied.

If you want to avoid these scenarios when you divorce, you can opt for a collaborative divorce instead. With this option, you and your spouse can have your respective attorney representing you. Rather than going through a long, expensive court process, both parties meet privately with their attorneys. Your Monroe NC lawyers will walk you through every related issue. For every issue, you and your spouse will determine the best-case scenario and what you want to accept. With this uncontested divorce, both parties agree to every term and do not ask the court to make decisions for them.