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Traveling Nurse Position: What Are the Traveling Nurse Opportunities?

Traveling Nurse Position: What Are the Traveling Nurse Opportunities?

A traveling nurse position is not only highly sought after but also generally very misunderstood. Just where are the good nursing opportunities that everyone is talking about?!

What is the Best Travel Nurse Agency?

This is often one of the first questions registered nurses, LPN’s and nurse practitioners (NP) ask when they begin to look for a travel nursing job. What exactly is the best nursing agency? While it may seem like the obvious first question, it is really not a specific enough one. The questions you should really be asking yourself are more about what YOU really want from your assignment and what do you hope to achieve with your travels and career? The best travel company isn’t necessarily the same one for each nurse.

Here are some of the questions that you should be asking yourself.

Many nurses are surprised to see the extensive benefit package that comes with a travel job. Most are also unaware that everything is negotiable. Traveling with family? Get a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment. Already have health insurance? No problem. Would you like to find your own housing? Easy, just take the housing allowance. These are just a few of the benefits that you can customize to suit your needs.

Most benefits for a traveling nurse position are simply numbers. When you speak with your nursing recruiter you will be able to add and subtract many of the benefits that are most important to you. This allows you to have a totally customized experience that will greatly affect your assignment in a positive way. To make it even better you will negotiate each assignment separately. So, what is important for one job can easily change with the next. You aren’t locked in to what you decide today.

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