Best Marketing Tactics for Your Business

Best Marketing Tactics for Your Business


Marketing your services is what keeps you in business — so using the best marketing tactics to support your goals only makes sense. There are dozens of simple ways you can add impact to your marketing strategies — and many of them are right under your nose.

The best marketing tactics are the strategies you can implement right away, utilize with minimal effort, maintain on a regular basis and work into your budget and schedule. Here are a few of the best marketing tactics you can start using TODAY to create more profits in your business.

Make the most of every opportunity.

Every time you conduct a business conversation, make sure you are offering something helpful to the person you are speaking with — and then offer a little more. Make it a personal habit to end your conversation with a simple phrase like, “What else I can do to support you?” It’s your equivalent of “Would you like fries with that?” Every fast food restaurant on the planet teaches its employees to upsell — to add a little something to every order, like fries or a soda. Do the same with your clients and prospects — ask them if there is anything else you can help them with — every time you talk to them.

Play nice with other people!

We learn from an early age that playing nice with others is always the right thing to do. In your business, you can create joint ventures with other service professionals and create a win-win situation for both of you. When you partner with someone who offers a service complementary to yours, you can draw from each other’s client base and networks, multiplying your opportunities. For example, if you’re a copywriter, partner with a web designer and the next thing you know, you’ll both be sending work each other’s way on a regular basis.

Spread the wealth- your wealth of knowledge that is.

Chances are you are familiar with the value of blogging about your business. Keep in mind though to not just focus on your own blog. Connect with other bloggers who write about related topics. Comment on their blogs, be friendly, helpful and complimentary and then ask for the opportunity to guest blog on their site. Offer them the chance to do the same on yours if they wish. This can open the door to dozens, even hundreds of potential clients. Choose blogs that are in the same industry as yours, but not in direct competition.

Sponsor a contest!

Everyone likes to win something — and contests create viral, word of mouth advertising like nothing else. Offer up a gift certificate to one of your offerings, find a few colleagues to do the same or even find a corporate sponsor to offer a tangible prize. Use your social media profiles to spread the word and get folks excited about your

Make it easy to buy what you are selling.

Create a variety of purchase plans and options for your products and services. Use PayPal, Google Checkout, accept credit cards and offer payment plans for big ticket items so prospective clients have no excuse to turn down your offer. You can also create a “limited time only” sale of your services. Offer an irresistible incentive if clients purchase by an upcoming date. Give your audience a compelling reason to take advantage of your offers.