3 Tips For Filing A Successful Lawsuit After A Tanker Truck Accident
In 2019, fatalities across nearly all subcategories of traffic accidents decreased, as compared to 2018. Unfortunately, tanker truck accidents were not one of them. The death rate of tanker truck occupants and non-occupants in 2019 increased by 13% and 2.9% respectively, while 33% more nonoccupants were hurt in big truck accidents during 2019. About 15% more occupants were injured in tanker truck accidents that did not involve another vehicle, and 1.9% more people from other vehicles were seriously hurt by multivehicle tanker truck accidents in 2019.
If you or anyone close to you has been affected by a tanker truck accident recently or even in the past, it is of the utmost importance that you file a lawsuit as soon as possible. This may seem like a daunting and intimidating task to anyone recovering from the direct and indirect effects of a big accident, but it does not have to be. Just go through the following set of quick tips we have for you.
Consult a Tanker Truck Accident Lawyer
Always contact a specialist law firm for a free consultation on how to proceed with the necessary legal steps. Look for one that can handle tanker truck accidents and they will help you through every step of the way. Wherever you reside, this same rule of consulting with an expert tanker truck accident attorney applies before doing anything else.
Good law firms do not charge initial consultation fees, and they do not charge anything at all if they cannot win the case for you. You will only need to pay them a small, pre-decided percentage of the acquired compensation amount, so winning is almost as important for tanker truck accident lawyers, as it is for their clientele.
Collect Evidence
Lawyers have their own resources and methods of collecting the evidence necessary for building a winning case. However, it is also true that sometimes, the most crucial pieces of evidence are often supplied by the victims and survivors themselves. Photographs and video recordings taken at the scene of the accident are the best types of evidence, so find any media you may have captured on that day, immediately after the accident. Share it all with your lawyer and they will see if any of it can be used to strengthen the case.
Contact Witnesses
Bystanders often take pictures and videos after a big accident, so if you can contact anyone who was present at the site that day, it would further strengthen the lawsuit. Whether they have any media on them or not, they can themselves become witnesses if they are willing to do so.
The roads are not always safe when there are tanker trucks on them, and all one needs to do is take a quick look at some of the morbid but important facts to convince themselves of the truth. The stats are also quite important as a point of reference, lest the severity of the situation be undermined.